Upcoming Talks:
Given Talks:
A Fourier Representation of Kernel Stein Discrepancy with Application to Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces, Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, December 2024.
How good is your Laplace approximation of a Bayesian posterior? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Stochastic Processes and Applications Conference, Bochum, August 2024.
A Fourier Representation of Kernel Stein Discrepancy with Application to Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces, International Workshop on Stein's method and Network Analysis, University of Oxford, June 2024.
How good is your Laplace approximation of a Bayesian posterior? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Stochastics Seminar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, September 2023.
How good is your Laplace approximation of a Bayesian posterior? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Stochastic Processes and Applications, Lisbon, July 2023.
How good is your Laplace approximation of a Bayesian posterior? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, 51st Probability Summer School, St. Flour, France, July 2023.
A Fourier Representation of Kernel Stein Discrepancy with Application to Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Measures on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces, Lifting Inference with Kernel Embeddings (LIKE23), Bern, Switzerland, June 2023
How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, German Probability and Statistics Days, Essen, March 2023.
How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Meeting in Mathematical Statistics, CIRM Luminy, Marseille, December 2022.
How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Mathematical Statistics Seminar, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, December 2022.
How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Statistics Seminar, Université Catholique de Louvain, November 2022.
How good is your Laplace approximation? Finite-sample error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Research Seminar, Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling, Brunel University London, November 2022.
Theoretical guarantees for the quality of Laplace approximations in Bayesian statistics, Bernoulli Young Researcher Event 2022, July 2022
How good is your Bayesian CLT? Error bounds for a variety of useful divergences, Stein's Method: The Golden Anniversary, National University of Singapore, June 2022
Stein's method and Gaussian process approximations, Probability and Statistics Seminar, University of Manchester, 27 April 2022
Functional limit theorems via Stein's method, Probability and Statistics Seminar, Boston University, 16 September, 2021
Functional limit theorems for U-statistics, 10th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics, 19-23 July, 2021
Functional approximations with Stein's method of exchangeable pairs, 13th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, 19-21 December, 2020
Infinite-dimensional Stein's method with applications, Statistics Seminar, Mathematics Department, Imperial College London, October 2020
Functional approximations with Stein's method of exchangeable pairs, Barcelona Mathematical Days, October 2020
Probabilistic methods for proving error bounds in GP posterior approximation, 12th International Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Oxford, UK, June 2019
Functional approximations via exchangeable pairs with applications to degenerate U-statistics, Stochastic Processes and Applications Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2018
Functional approximations via exchangeable pairs with applications to degenerate U-statistics, Finnish Summer School in Probability and Statistics, Lammi, Finland, May 2018
Functional approximations via Stein's method, Workshop on Markov Processes on metric measure spaces and Gaussian Fields, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, February 2018
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and Random Fields, Haifa, Israel, December 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Probability Seminar, University of Liege, Belgium, October 2017
Multivariate functional approximations via Stein's method of exchangeable pairs, Stochastic Processes and Applications Conference, Moscow, Russia, July 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Warsaw Summer School in Probability, University of Warsaw, Poland, 3 July 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, University of Luxembourg, 15 June 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Informal Probability Workshop, University of Oxford, UK, 22 May 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Junior Probability Seminar, University of Oxford, 28 April 2017
Diffusion approximations via time changes and Stein's method, Stein Workshop, University of Oxford, UK, October 2016
Stein's Method for functional approximation, World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, July 2016
Stein's Method for functional approximation, Research Students Conference 2016, University College Dublin, Ireland, June 2016
Erdos-Kac Theorem and Mod-Poisson Convergence, Junior Probability Seminar, University of Oxford, UK, April 2016